If you want your hairdo to look more beautiful and attractive for as long as you carry it, decorate it with hair accessories. There are many types of hair accessories you can use to beautify your hair. And the good thing is that you can always use them even when you are on your natural hair.
What are Hair Accessories?

Hair accessories are ornaments attached to the hair for decorative reasons. They’ve been in existence for a long time. For instance, during the Bronze Age, ancient Egyptians attached curved wooden combs to their hair. Mesopotamian men wore headbands on their hair while ancient Welsh women wore gold lockrings.
 These accessories served beyond beautifying the hair. For instance, Japanese women wore accessories such as kogai hairpins to chase away evil spirits.
Functions of Hair Accessories?

The types of hair accessories serve the following purposes:
To Secure Your Hairstyle
You can wrap your hair with an accessory to keep the style in place. They come in when you are commuting from one place to another or when you are having a hectic day. This way, you don’t have to stress yourself restyling all the time to get what you want.
To Keep Your Hair Off Your Face
If your hair is very long and you don’t want your bangs coming to your face all the time, tie it with an accessory.
To Adorn Your Hair
Above all, the types of hair accessories will specifically make your hair more beautiful. Since they usually come in different shapes, sizes and colours, they give more vibrancy to your hair.
They Make You Look More Attractive
These accessories embellish your outfit, making you look great from head to toe. You can look for the ones that are embellished with decorative stones and attach them to your hair to get more attention.
Types of Hair Accessories

The following are the types of hair accessories:
1. Barrettes

These types of hair accessories are used to gather, fasten or hold the hair in place away from the face. They are otherwise called hair clips. They can be worn in different ways depending on the size and the look you want to achieve.

Some hair clips usually come with headpieces. That is, decorative items such as feathers, flowers, netting, etc., thus making them more visually appealing.
2. Headband

This is worn on the top of the head or around the forehead to keep your hair totally away from your face. They are of different colours and can be made with any material. Furthermore, headbands usually have elastic so it can stretch to fit around the head. However, there are headbands without elastic that are designed to just sit comfortably on the head. These ones are usually made with metal or plastic.

Some headbands are adorned with decorative items such as bunny ears, heart shapes, reindeers, etc. If it’s a festive season, for instance, Christmas, you can wear headbands that have Christmas colours and decorations on it.

Furthermore, headbands have a variation called sweatbands. They are made of a thicker and absorbent fabric designed to keep sweat off the eyes. They also serve the same purpose as headbands and can be used to make a fashion statement too during sport.
3. Scarves

These are pieces of fabric worn over the head for religious reasons, fashion or simply to protect or shield the hair. You can use your scarf as a headwrap or tie it to form a bow on your head. Scarves can be made with different fabrics such as silk, wool, linen or cotton.

4. Scrunchies

These are small elasticated rings of fabric placed around long hair to hold it in place behind the head. You can combine a scrunchie with another accessory to achieve a unique look.

5. Gold cuffs

These types of hair accessories are used to make your braids, cornrows, locs, twists and other protective hairstyles glitter. You simply attach them to your braids and you look as stunning as ever.

6. Beads

Like gold cuffs, beads are used to accentuate natural or protective styles such as locs, braids and twists. Beads come in different colours and you can use many colours at once to beautify your hair or settle for one or two colours. Whichever way, you’ll still look good as they add more life to your braids. You can keep your beads in place by attaching them with a rubber band to your hair.

7. Cowrie Shells

Cowries are marine molluscs that have a glossy, brightly patterned domed shell with a long, narrow opening. They can be used to decorate braids and cornrows just like beads and gold cuffs.

8. Headwraps

These are made with any kind of fabric specifically to wrap around the hair. They can also help to preserve your hairstyle while you commute. In addition, you can use scarves and turbans to wrap your head in a stylish manner while protecting your hairstyle.

9. Hair Pins

These are thin metal that are curved at one end and open at the other. They come in different sizes and colours. And they may either be plain or embellished with jewelry.

10. Jaw Clips

If your hair is long and you want to keep it up and out of the way, use a jaw clip. They come in various sizes and colours. To use, simply comb your hair, then grasp it and twist it upwards before securing it with your jaw clip.

11. Rubber bands

These are elastic bands made of rubber to keep your hair in place. They are of various sizes. Furthermore, rubber bands are very much decorative. You can go for colourful ones and attach them to your braids to make them look more attractive. Moreover, rubber bands are also used to keep your beads attached to your hair.

12. Tiaras

These are ornamental crown-like accessories placed on top of the hair to decorate it. They can be silver or gold, embellished with precious stones or flowers.

Apart from wearing any of these types of hair accessories, you can as well wear caps, hats and other headwear for women to protect your hairstyles and at the same time look more beautiful.
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