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5 Wardrobe Essentials for Harmattan Season

“The yuletide came like the wind. In the twinkling of an eye, it was here and suddenly it’s gone,” Khloe said aloud to herself amid the incessant chatter of her children. Christmas was really beautiful, no doubt, but she would never forget something. It was the faux pas her not using any of the wardrobe essentials for harmattan season cost her a couple of years ago.

Khloe’s Harmattan Story

It was the day after Christmas. To her family, the celebration had barely begun and she had been caught up in the moment that she had paid little attention to the weather.

It wasn’t just the fanfare that excited her but the fact that she had a date with this very cute guy on Instagram who recently slid into her DM. Khloe gussied up and in no time found herself seated in Domino’s pizza with Mr. Cute guy.

She had worn a sleeveless, short gown but immediately regretted her decision when Mr cute guy asked her if she hadn’t applied enough cream before leaving the house.

At first, she didn’t understand the question but when she turned to observe her body, she realized her arms were looking white and so was her face.

To worsen the case, her lips looked parched and had thin lines on them despite the fact that a nude-coloured lipstick coated them.

As she stared into her cellphone which served as a mirror for the moment, she could only bite her lower lip to muffle the scream that almost erupted from her.

She looked up from the phone and her gaze fell on Mr. Cute guy who had a soothing smirk on his lips and then she felt her tear ducts sting.

So much for Harmattan!

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What to Do When It’s Harmattan

Someone once said harmattan is that price we pay or receive for the festive season and this is indubitably true.

It is no new fact that people tend to look as white as ghosts this period and even dread the thought of bathing cold water. The dust, cold, heat can be as frustrating as ever.

Although the bipolar nature of harmattan may be a bit deceptive, it’s that period where much attention should be given to our looks. The surest way to do this is to adopt the wardrobe essentials for harmattan season.

I mean, in the wee hours of the morning, it’s darn cold. But no sooner than the sun begins to radiate in the sky, it gets so hot that you may just want to take off your shirt. Well then, you may as well take off your shirt, or possibly a jacket,  if what you have inside is light enough for the heat and decent enough for the eyes to see.

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Wardrobe Essentials for Harmattan Season

Just so you know, there are some rules guiding the Harmattan season. And in order for you not to become a “Khloe”, you have to always use the wardrobe essentials for Harmattan season.

Here they are:

1. Do Not Forget to Apply Body Cream and Lip gloss

 It’s not a bad idea if you mix your body cream with olive oil or some other ointment to mitigate the parchedness the arid climate affords your skin.

It is also advisable to move about with either Vaseline or a small amount of body cream and lip gloss. This way, you apply them when need be. Lip gloss always come in handy as they prevent the lips from breaking or looking dry like Khloe’s.

2. Always Move With a Jacket

Jackets are wardrobe essentials for the harmattan season. To best suit the bipolar nature of Harmattan, wear a jacket atop what is worn inside.

This is because when the afternoon heat comes, it wouldn’t cost a thing to take off the jacket and still feel as comfy as ever.

Furthermore, a jacket with a front zipper makes it much easier to take off. Just make it a dark-coloured jacket to wade off dust.

In addition, you should avoid wearing white clothing if you don’t want the Harmattan to dye them brown for you. And if you choose to rock sweatshirts, don’t wear loose on loose. A fitted trouser or leggings complement loose tops better.

3. Use Scarves, Hats or Caps to Protect Your Head from Dust

To wade off dusts, scarves, caps or hats are important wardrobe essentials for harmattan season.

For warmth, you can make use of scarves during the day. And when it gets hot as the day progresses, tie the scarf around your neck to serve as a muffler.

Hats also serve the same warmth purpose. The good thing is that they are of many types to suit your style.

Hats and other headwear are usually unisex and add more spice to a casual outfit. They double as a covering for the head and a ‘style booster’.

4. Stockings, Gloves and Sunglasses Always Come in Handy

The scarves and hats serve to cover the head, what about the eyes, hands and feet?

Even if you apply enough cream, it doesn’t stop dust from harassing you, does it? Well, that is when socks, gloves and sunglasses come in.

Sunglasses do not only protect the eyes from the scorching sun. They also wade off dust from reaching the eyes. Moreso, whenever your sunshades get too dusty from much work, you can always wipe it off with a handkerchief.

I’ve seen a lot of people put on socks even while wearing pool sliders and it still looks stylish. You can wear socks with slides, sneakers and shoes. A black stocking is one of the wardrobe essentials for harmattan season. For your hands, you could try gloves, especially during early morning jogs.

5. Eat Enough Fruits

Although this per se isn’t clothing, let’s include it among the wardrobe essentials for harmattan season. It works for your insides.

We’ve already discussed outward appearances —this is good. But if you pay little attention to what goes on inside, the result will be unhealthy looks.

Since harmattan comes with cold and many viruses survive in cold and damp places, a lot of disease-causing viruses thrive during this period.

Thus, your intake of fruits should skyrocket. Fruits boost the immune system and help make the body look younger.

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Back to Khloe’s Harmattan Story

Luckily for Khloe, Mr. Cute guy was also Mr. Nice Guy. In that awkward moment of hers, he brought out a tiny bottle containing a sweet-smelling body cream and gave her a lip gloss to apply on her lips.

Not daring to look up at him, she smiled coyly and applied the items. She definitely would never forget that day. Because it doubled as the day she swore never to forget the wardrobe essentials for harmattan season and the day she met her husband.

So much for Harmattan!

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