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5 Top Tips on How to Dress Confidently

Have you ever come across a particular picture of a fashionista and wonder why everything about it strikes you? From the clothes and accessories to the pose, everything just looks so perfect to you? I’m pretty sure you have. They are all on Instagram. And what makes them striking enough is the fact that they know how to dress confidently.

Self-confidence is that accessory that keeps you on track even when all you’ve got is a pair of jeans and tee.

Self-confidence is that teeny-weeny yet mighty detail that makes your favorite influencers look like they got their dressing skill from heaven when actually they developed it.

Self-confidence is that button you press to transform a wack outfit into something that turns heads.

Even if you wear the best designers and hire the best celebrity stylists to create your look, if you don’t add that dose of confidence to it, your effort will be in vain.

Just like a smile, confidence attracts. If you don’t look sure in what you wear, you’ll only give people the impression that you aren’t sure of yourself.

You wouldn’t want that, would you?

So, why not learn how to dress confidently now. This way, when you turn up at events, your dress will collaborate with your personality to win the right people to you.

How to Dress Confidently

To look confident in what you wear always, follow these tips:

1. Accept and Appreciate Your Body

beautiful lady in body hugging native fabric gown

Your body type isn’t something you can control unless you choose to go under the knife and add some curves to the places you desire. Other than that, it wasn’t you who created yourself. Hence, you have to accept and appreciate your body. If there’s fat in the wrong places, go ahead and exercise. If you can’t, accept your body without getting discouraged by anyone’s remark.

Your legs are thin, short, long, fat? Your bust are too big or small? Your arms are without muscles? It’s okay. It’s your body. Accept your physical flaws; see them as your strengths for they are part of who you are.

2. Know Your Body Type and Dress for It

Illustration of the different body types
Illustration of the different body types

Besides accepting yourself and your body for who you are, you also need to know how to dress according to your body type.

If you are straight, you wouldn’t look so good wearing something that suits an hourglass figure. Knowing your body type and dressing for it will give you no room to doubt your look. Because you’ll be certain that whatever you wear flatters and complements your silhouette.

3. Find Your Personal Style

smiling lady in glasses and natural hair leaning on a yellow car

Do you like to go simple and casual all the time? Or you love to turn heads when you turn up? Do you prefer the dress code for formal settings? Or you like your colours bold? What style of fashion is it you love?

You may not know the answer at once, but as you live, you’ll come to realise your personal style and ensure that your wardrobe choices align with it. This way, you’ll have no room to look timid when you dress up. Because everything you wear will only bolster your personal style.

4. Wear Stuff that Highlights Your Physical Assets

pretty lady showing off in a black hot dress

As said in point one above, nobody is perfect and no body is actually perfect. But sometimes, it appears that some people have this really perfect body that makes you wonder if God was fair when creating you.

Let’s for a second agree that some people have perfect bodies. So, what can you do to match up when your legs aren’t as straight as you’d love them to be?

It’s simple: wear stuff that takes the attention to your physical strengths. You’ve got bent legs and your face is so fine? Put on a pair of pants with a nice shirt and a well-groomed hair and steal the show.

People will be too busy admiring your fine face, hair or shirt to notice the bent legs hidden inside your trousers.

5. Merge Comfort with Style

lady comfortable in open back short gown with pink heels

Another tip on how to dress confidently is to merge comfort with style. Fashion will be boring if you don’t step out of your comfort zone once in a while and try stuff you’ve never done before.

For instance, you like mild colours. How about you wear something bright on a particular day and get going?

Or let’s assume, you’re used to flats. You could dare yourself one day and wear heels, you know.

Fine, this may be hard at first. But if you blend the style that comes with leaving your comfort zone with comfort, you’ll create a killer look.

Once you succeed in creating a balance between comfort and style, you’ll see how easy it will be to look confident anytime you dress up, even if it’s in a weird attire.

Above all, invest in pieces that hardly go out of style. These wardrobe staples include jeans, t-shirts, black shoes, etc. And don’t forget to combine your looks with at least one of the accessories that can transform your outfit instantly. They make you look more stylish and bring you more admiration; thus proving that you really do know how to dress confidently.

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Victoria B. Willie

Writing has always been a part of me. From writing stories as a young child to studying Communication Arts in the university, it has always been more than a medium of expression to me.

And then one day, I found myself toeing the path of an entrepreneur and becoming a fashion enthusiast. This made me develop an interest in content marketing and copywriting which I've been chasing alongside my fashion career.

That aside, when I'm not sharing style articles, selling with stories, or creating fashion-forward pieces for Ria Kosher, you'll find me telling wild stories that always come with a twist.

Articles: 628


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for reminding of how beautiful our bodies are and accepting our flaw. And thank you for reminding us that we only need confidence to pull it off

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