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Meet Jesse Chinenyem, the Stylist who Turned a Hobby into a Career

Jesse Chinenyem is an emerging fashion stylist. His love for transforming plain men into classic men inspired him to author a book that is completely on this subject.

In the book, he shows you how to become a classic man with little or no effort. This he does by offering a step-by-step guide on how you can command respect with your appearance so you can get the respect you deserve regardless of your background and financial success.

Recently, Svelte Magazine had a chat with this stylist-cum-author and we found out some interesting things about him that can help to enhance your style.

Sit back.

Relax, as we take you through the mind of a style pro.


Svelte Magazine: Can you give us a bit of your background. We only know you’re Jesse Chinenyem. We want to know more. So tell us, please.

 Jesse Chinenyem: Okay. I was born in Kaduna State, Nigeria. I’m the last born from a family of six (including my parents). I finished from FGC Kaduna. I’m a graduate of FUT Minna, from the department of Quantity Survey. I live in Kaduna South, Kaduna State.

Svelte Magazine: Alright. A graduate of Quantity Survey. Oh wow!  That doesn’t relate in any way to fashion styling, you know. One would think you studied something else related to fashion. In that case, how was it like being a quantity surveyor while in school and chasing your styling career too?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Haha! Yeah, Quantity Survey literally has nothing to do with Fashion Styling. Well, I wouldn’t really say I was chasing my fashion styling career while in school. The learning environment didn’t afford me that luxury. Quantity Survey is tasking.

I was involved in other extracurricular activities, in which fashion styling wasn’t really a priority. I just made sure I always appeared my best every day to lectures. Fashion styling was just more like a hobby.

Svelte Magazine: Okay. When did you begin styling as a hobby and what made you take it serious?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Well, I’d say I began styling as a hobby as far back as 2013. Some of my best throwback pictures were in that year.

Jesse Chinenyem in a native outfit

I practiced styling with my dad. He had and still has lots of suits and ties. Every weekend, I’d go to his room and help him pick out the best combinations for the week.

I began to take it serious, when I noticed the kind of respect and compliments I attracted because of my suits and how smartly dressed I was. I felt like, this could be something really worthwhile.

Svelte Magazine: Interesting! From your dad, you grew to having a high clientele base which is still growing, right?

Jesse Chinenyem: Absolutely right.

Svelte Magazine: Let’s talk about your book, Fabshion. A quick glance at it will reveal that it’s a complete style guide for men. What’s the inspiration behind Fabshion?


 Chinenyem: Well, I just love to see people look their best, especially men. We’re so consumed by the “hustle” that we fail to really give ourselves the best look. For some, it’s a mindset, that only women should really pay attention to how they look. For some, it’s the social pressure of wanting to be financially buoyant. All these inspired, Fabshion. I want to see men look their best.

Svelte Magazine: That was so thoughtful of you. We know that fashion styling hasn’t totally been embraced mainstream; not everyone values the job of wardrobe consultants like you. As you said, many believe fashion is a thing for the ladies. Some men even believe fashion is not important at all. And since Fabshion mostly concerns style tips for men, how do you keep up with the good work despite these unhealthy notions people, and men in particular, have about fashion in general.

Jesse Chinenyem: One thing I’ve realized over time is that, as humans, we may not realize that we have a need or problem until it becomes critical.

When I began to share little fashion tips on my WhatsApp status, I was amazed at the response I got from young men whom I thought weren’t even interested.

It made me realize that, they want to know these things, they want to dress better, but there’s no one really telling them how to do it.

It became a motivation for me to help them. I then decided to channel that help into Fabshion.

And because I have put it in their consciousness, most of them have realized that fashion is actually something that should be taken seriously.

Some persons confessed to me that ever since I began to drop those fashion tips, they have become more conscious of their appearance.

Svelte Magazine: Coool…That’s you making impact, you know. And yes, you’re right. Sometimes we never know we have a problem until it gets critical.

 Jesse Chinenyem: I know right. Thank you.


Svelte Magazine: You’re welcome. Can you drop some teasers about your book? Some teasers to whet the appetite of both fashion enthusiasts and those who have failed to acknowledge their need for a stylist.

 Jesse Chinenyem: As a Fashion Stylist, I strongly believe that your appearance is the basic means of creating a good first impression, and also a lasting impression.

Like I pointed out in my book, your attire can have an impact of people’s perception of you. That perception can have a serious impact on your ability to achieve success.

That is why in chapter one, I began by giving five major reasons to dress well. One of my favorite reasons is that, it improves your habit.

Dressing well, improves your self-discipline, which is a vital skill every human needs to achieve excellence.

Wanna improve your self-discipline? Start by taking your dressing seriously.

Svelte Magazine: Oh wow! Now we know how to improve our self-discipline. Hehe! Is Fabshion for men and women?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Although, the styling tips are specifically for men, Fabshion is for all fashion lovers because ladies are welcome to learn too.

For anyone who wants to know how fashion can improve their lives, Fabshion is definitely a book worth reading.

Svelte Magazine: Great. Who’s the celebrity stylist that inspires you?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Antonio Centeno. Founder, Real Men Real Style. His attention to details and styling techniques are truly inspirational.

Svelte Magazine: He sure is. The man is good. Any Nigerian stylist?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Kobi Koachman

Svelte Magazine: Kobi is good too. Little wonder he inspires you.

Jesse Chinenyem: He truly is full of excellence.

Svelte Magazine: What’s your personal style?

 Jesse Chinenyem: I love the corporate look.


Svelte Magazine: What’s your signature look?

 Jesse Chinenyem: A single breasted suit, dress shirt and tie.

Svelte Magazine: Hehe! Brings to mind Jidenna’s song, Classic Man.

Jesse Chinenyem: Hahahaha. A few friends call me that.

Svelte Magazine: You truly are. If there was one thing you could take out of your wardrobe and one thing you could replace it with, what would they be?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Hahaha! This is a tough one, as I love everything in my wardrobe. Let’s just say, I’d replace my pocket squares with good shoes — brogues to be precise.

Svelte Magazine:  That’s a good one. So you wouldn’t want to add colour to those pockets because of shoes?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Hahaha! Well, people are more likely to notice my shoes more than my pocket square. Not to talk of the extra confidence a good shoe adds to an outfit.

Svelte Magazine: You’re right. When styling your clients, how do you get inspiration?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Well, the inspiration comes from wanting to be excellent, and to give them the best look that doesn’t alter their personality. Something they can still be comfortable in.

That challenge is what inspires me. And of course the inspiration that comes from wanting to be as good as the professional fashion stylists I earlier mentioned.

Svelte Magazine: You’re inspiring, Jesse. We’re sending you so much love. But before we close the book on this interview, is there any advice to fashion enthusiasts reading this piece?

 Jesse Chinenyem: Awwwww! Thank you. Well, my advice is simple: take Fashion as seriously as you can. Fashion is one of the easiest ways to control people’s perception of you. Fashion affords you the opportunity of holding all the cards.

Never leave to chance what people think about you. Control people’s perception of you, it gives you an uncommon advantage in life.

Fabshion book

Fabshion goes for N1500. To get the book so you can begin work in earnest on enhancing your style and dressing like the man you dream to become, tap here.

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