Your shoes are often the first thing people notice about you and when you pair them with the right clothes, you’re one step away from being a classic man. Knowing the different types of shoes for men helps you figure out the shoes that are more of purposeful relevance rather than style alone. So if you are on a budget and you do not want to clutter your wardrobe with shoes unlimited, give this list a shot.
Meanwhile, there are many men’s shoes available in stores and when it comes to shopping, two things are very important: (1) go for quality (2) stock up with classic styles rather than what’s trending. It is important to have good knowledge of the shoes every man should own so as to know which suits which occasion. Whether it’s a date you’ve got or a wedding invitation or even a beach party, this article will guide you on your shoe choices.
Types of Shoes for Men
For easy understanding of this article, men’s shoes are divided into:
- Casual shoes
- Dress shoes
- Boots
Casual Shoes

Every man should have at least a pair of sandals among his collection of shoes. Sandals have straps that hold the feet to the sole. These types of shoes for men usually come in different patterns and styles. They are casual shoes every man should own and can be worn with senator, other native wears and casual wears such as jeans and a polo.
2. Palms Slippers

These are casual slippers for men. They could be made with rubber, leather or cork material. Palms are best worn with shorts, jeans or any simple casual attire.
3. Sneakers

Sneakers are athletic shoes best for the gym and sport activities. However, they can be worn to complement a casual, activewear or athleisure outfit too. This type of men’s shoes usually have a soft sole. They may or may not have laces. An example of sneakers without laces is the slip-on sneakers. They are without laces yet very fashionable and comfy.
4. Canvas

Canvas are made from the fabric called canvas mostly used by painters. They are a great choice for casual wear. They come in different patterns too. Canvas come with laces and they are best worn with a pair of jeans or shorts and a T-shirt.
5. Boat Shoes

These types of shoes for men are casual footwear that resemble loafers. Originally, they were designed to be worn aboard a boat, with features such as water-resistant hide, soles designed to improve hold on wet deck of the boat and side lacing. Boat shoes are also known as topsiders or deck shoes. They are super stylish, comfortable, casual and functional.
6. Trainers

Trainers, like sneakers and canvas, are sport shoes. These types of shoes for men are designed to be used while training at the gym. They are very comfortable for running, jogging, yoga and other sports activities. They are best worn with activewear, T-shirts with jeans, chinos, and shorts. When you go trainers shopping, be sure to get a pair that has strong soles.
7. Espadrilles

Espadrilles are light shoes that have an upper made of fabric and a sole of rope. They have been in existence since the 14th century. They are perfect for casual outings as they are best worn with chinos, beach wear, shorts, jeans, etc. When wearing espadrilles, don’t wear socks.
8. Moccasin

Moccasin is a heelless shoe of soft leather. Its sole may be hard or soft and flexible. Sometimes moccasin refers to a heelless shoe, other times it refers to a particular construction of the upper, and sometimes it also refers to slippers that are constructed in a moccasin style. Moccasin can be worn with jeans, chinos and casual or native attires.
Dress Shoes
1. Loafers

Loafers are very comfortable shoes for men. They are formal and can easily be slipped on as they have elasticated panels on both sides which makes it needless for fastenings or laces. Loafers are very stylish and versatile shoes. They can be worn to work or even a casual occasion depending on the style of loafers you have. Merely slipping them on makes you look very great. They can be worn with or without socks and are best paired with chinos. Loafers are of three types:
- Penny loafers
- Tassel loafers
- Bit loafers
2. Monk Shoes

These types of shoes for men have no lacing. They usually come with a strap and buckle. Monk shoes are majorly of two types: Single Monk shoes which have just one strap and buckle and Double Monk shoes which have two straps and buckles. Monk shoes can be worn to work, weddings and other formal or even casual occasions.
3. Brogues

Brogues have perforations about them and separations at the visible edges of the material. They are more common in black or brown but can as well be picked in different colours. Also, brogues can be worn to any formal gathering with a formal attire such as suits or trousers and shirts.
4. Oxford

Otherwise known as Balmoral, these types of shoes for men have close lacing, round toes and a cap. Close-laced shoes are shoes that have the tongue stitched in separately while the inside and outside quarters are stitched under the piece of leather that makes up the front of the shoe (known as vamp). Oxfords are the perfect option for formal occasions such as job interviews and business settings. These shoes are viewed as professional shoes and go well with suits too. Furthermore, having a pair of Oxford shoes is a timeless investment as they’d always come in handy especially when the need arises for you to dress smart.
5. Derby Shoes

If you’ve got big feet, then Derby shoes are for you. These types of shoes for men have open lacing styles. Open-laced shoes are shoes where the tongue is part of the vamp rather than stitched separately and the quarters are stitched to a tab point on either side of the vamp. Derby shoes are always in vogue and are suitable for both formal and casual occasions. The soles of Derby shoes can be leather or rubber for durability. You can wear Derby shoes with or without socks and pair them with suits or denim.
1. Chukka Boots

Chukka boots are made of suede or leather material. They have an open lacing system just like Derby shoes. They are very durable and give you an approachable, masculine look. Chukka boots go well with jeans, chinos, etc.
2. Chelsea Boots

If you want to merge a casual and corporate look, try on a pair of Chelsea boots. These types of shoes for men have elasticated side panels. They are named after the prominent district of London, Chelsea. The design emerged in the 1850s and became popular in 1960s. There is a fabric at the back to pull the boot up. You can always wear them with formal or casual outfits.
3. Military Boots

These boots, as the name implies, are inspired by boots worn in the military. They provide grip, stability for the ankles, and protect the feet when in a rough environment. Military boots are firm and have laces at the front that go all the way up. Military boots give you a tough demeanour. They mostly come in black colour and look super cool with casual outfits.
Conclusively, men’s shoes are indeed numerous. They are functional and stylish too like women’s shoes. Which of these types of shoes for men would you love to wear this week? Let us know in the comment section.
Great read, well done! I like the Chelsea boots but I don’t have one yet
I’m a lady, but nothing gets me more attracted to a gentle man like his shoes! Like damn! Bro, come Lemme tell you something (hahahhah). Fav. from this article is the “Brogues” and “Chelsea Boots”.
Nice write-up guys 🔥
This piece is enlightening, I’m all for shoes and how to better my current stack has been on my mind lately, indeed exciting!! 😁😀
Wow! Thanks, Emeka. Glad you found our article enlightening.
Thank you, Emmanuel. I’m sure that Chelsea boots will look good on you!