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Model Of The Week: Irenitemi Alabi

Irenitemi Alabi is a 23-year old commercial model who takes pride in the incisions on her face. She was born into a polygamous family and spent her formative years in Lagos. Spurred by the desire to step out of the shell society locked her in due to the tribal marks on her face, she took to modeling and ever since then she’s been clasping it with tenacity.

Her love for modeling came at an early age of 8. Although, discouraging remarks from naysayers about her facial incisions tried to block the dream, her determination is one thing that has kept her going. Even as she has been conned a couple of times while chasing the dream, she still is not ready to back down.

Irenitemi believes her tribal marks are her heritage, her trademark. Although others may see them as scars, nevertheless, she calls her tribal marks, ‘my tattoo with better stories“. She looks up to Agbani Darego and Lopez Aramide. According to her, their determination and energy keeps her inspired.

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Irenitemi Alabi has worked with photographers like Remart Studio, Alayo Photography and iShot. She hopes to pave the way for other tribal-marked models who share the same passion as her so they too can achieve their dreams not withstanding their incisions.

Follow Irenitemi on IG @irenitemie

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