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28 Viking Hairstyles Still Ruling the Modern Age 

28 Viking Hairstyles Still Ruling the Modern Age 

Even though Vikings lived a long time ago, their hairstyles have continued to remain intriguing. In fact, in almost every modern-day hairdo, there’s an undertone of Viking hairstyles in them and we can’t blame the hairstylists. These hairstyles look superb. …

26 Slick Back Ponytail Ideas for an Elegant Look

26 Slick Back Ponytail Ideas for an Elegant Look

Not many hairstyles retain their elegance like the slick black ponytail. This chic and polished look effortlessly combines sophistication with a touch of edge, making it a go-to choice for various occasions whether formal or casual.  It doesn’t matter if…

Wolf Cut for Men: 10 Styles for the Modern Man

Wolf Cut for Men: 10 Styles for the Modern Man

There’s something about the wolf cut for men that oozes confidence. The style is wild and shaggy but doesn’t mess up your appearance. Instead, it adds that extra oomph that suits any facial structure. Though initially popular among women, the…

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